MarketLinc created a lift of 81% in revenue for Nuance within the targeted test group vs. the control group. Overall website revenue increased by 17%. These results are significant because the target prospects, who entered the site unsure which product would best meet their needs, were converted by MarketLinc at a rate 142% higher than the control group. In addition, the target group was converted with a 78% higher order value than the control group that converted on their own.
+17% Lift in overall website revenue
“We’ve increased profits, revenue and conversions by a significant margin through our partnership with MarketLinc. In addition, we’ve improved awareness of existing and prospective customers in near real time. There is no question this partnership is a success.”
Ed McGuiggan, VP Global E-Commerce, Nuance
With the help of MarketLinc, Nuance gained fresh customer insights, improved site optimization, and converted existing web traffic into significant profits: 17% growth in overall website revenue. In this pay-for-performance model, Nuance paid only a percentage of incremental revenue gains.
Nuance called upon MarketLinc’s expertise in conversion optimization, visitor analytics, interaction technology, customer-centric sales strategy, integrated reporting, and daily program management to drive conversions and revenue gains across its product lines.
MarketLinc began by examining key indicators among Nuance website visitors who appeared to be lost, price shopping or about to abandon the web property. MarketLinc then built corresponding rules into its custom software solution to be triggered whenever these specific behaviors occurred at critical moments in the buying cycle. This in turn initiated the interaction and sales process with highly trained, live sales agents.
MarketLinc tracked and compared two groups concurrently in real time: a control group and a test-group subset. Both groups indicated the exact same buying indicators, but the test group received live sales support, while the control group did not know this option existed.
For both groups the following metrics were tracked:
- Unique Visitors
- Sales
- Conversion
- Average Order Value
- Revenue
The control group that triggered (but was not presented) an invitation totaled approx. 598,000 visitors. The test group, which was presented invitations, totaled approx. 225,000 visitors.